With degrees in nutrition, public health and communication Cindy has spoken and written about healthy eating for many years. Now she writes a more varied diet – of health, healing, food and faith. She has written two novels: The Pounamu Prophecy and The Silk Merchant of Sychar.
"Welcome to my author website. I am delighted you've dropped by to find out a little more about me and my journey into the world of fiction writing."
Where did I grow up? In a small, seaside town in New Zealand where I would often wake to the soothing rock of a small earthquake and where we practiced earthquake and tsunami drill at school.
Best memories of school? In primary school: playing Maori stick games, hearing the Maori legends and winning the spelling competition. In high school: my final year History and English teachers who inspired a love of their subjects, breaking the record for the 800m running race, and winning the girls cross country championship.
First fiction writing? I wrote a play with parts for all my siblings. Of course I was the main character as well as director! Definitely the bossy older sister! It took me weeks to write. I asked my cousin to type it out for me - and she lost it. I was devastated.
First degree? Diploma of Home Science which drew derogatory comments such as, 'Come to marry a doctor' or 'Bachelor of Vacuum Cleaning'. I soon switched my answer to Mineral Technology - it sounded so much more intriguing.
I became a registered Dietitian. Then I did a Master of Public Health and a Graduate Diploma in Communication - Public Relations (Distinction). And a Diploma of Theology (Distinction).
Why nutrition? It was a toss up - sport or food: physiotherapist or dietitian. I got accepted into physio but an afternoon of bashing the back of a smoker while she retched thick flem (postural drainage) into a basin, and another afternoon of rubbing a rugby player's hairy calf muscles was too much touching for a 17 year old. I chose the non hands-on option.
I was a dietitian for over twenty years and I loved it! I worked in hospitals, corporate health, food industry and with national level sports teams. I worked in research: coaxing post-MI patients to eat olive oil, avocado and peanuts. I spoke on radio, TV and to hundreds of medical and community groups. I wrote for magazines including the Healthy Food Guide (NZ and Australia).
My nutrition career taught me how to research facts - handy for writing historical fiction, and to write succinctly. I'd write copy for the supermarket mailbox brochures and the Advertising Manager would send it back saying: 'It won't fit the space - cut out half the words' or 'Too technical - make it interesting.' It was great training.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Proverbs 3:7-8
Feeding On The Word. I write about food. I write about words. And I write about health - not just physical health but spiritual health. Sure it's great to eat nutritious food and keep active. But it's not enough. My own experience is that the best path to healthy living is the word of God. It's like daily bread to feed the soul. It's living and active, and a daily dose is better than any multi-vitamin. Looking for stories about food, writing or the power of God's word? Click on my blog.
Workshop in Chengdu
Launch of The Pounamu Prophecy
With artist, author and poet Haare Williams at movie premiere of Mahana
Witi Ihimaera & Haare Williams - NZ launch of The Pounamu Prophecy